The memory of the sky

In her most intimate book, Paola Mastrocola delivers the story of a particular childhood, and of an Italy that is no more. And she tells us about the attempt to put order in the confusion of memory, aligning objects and memories that are partly real and partly invented. What childhood is like for all of us: a novel that we never finish telling ourselves.

Details +

Publication date: 14.02.2023
Publisher: Rizzoli

By the same author +
The moon goes to the movies HarperCollins
25 April 2023
Freethought Manifesto La nave di Teseo

31 March 2022
In alto l'Aspidistra - Foreword Rizzoli - BUR

22 February 2022
The Scholastic Damage La nave di Teseo

14 October 2021
If you were real Guanda

20 May 2021
The wisdom of the wolf Guanda

22 October 2020
Diary of a Mole La nave di Teseo

9 July 2020
The happiness of the floater Guanda

25 October 2018
Leone Einaudi

16 October 2018
The Love Before Us Einaudi

18 October 2016
The year the leaves did not fall Guanda

21 April 2016
Rebellious passion Laterza

10 September 2015
The Army of Useless Things Einaudi

17 February 2015
A boat in the woods Guanda

16 January 2014
And if wolves brood Guanda

29 August 2013
I Know Nothing of You Einaudi

1 March 2013
What animal are you? Guanda - Le gabbianelle

1 January 2013

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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