The Mutation

Through a new interpretive model, the three-society doctrine, Ricolfi pinpoints precisely who the weak are today, and reconstructs the long process that led the right and left to exchange their respective social bases, resulting in a true mutation of the political system.

Details +

Publication date: 01.11.2022
Publisher: Rizzoli

Editions +
La mutazione (paperback) BUR
26 March 2024
By the same author +
The Foolishy Correct La nave di Teseo
22 October 2024
The Merit Revolution Rizzoli
5 September 2023
Freethought Manifesto La nave di Teseo

31 March 2022
The Scholastic Damage La nave di Teseo

14 October 2021
The Night of the Water Lilies La nave di Teseo

14 January 2021
The Genteel Society of the Masses La nave di Teseo

24 October 2019
The Left and the People Longanesi

6 April 2017
The Enigma of Growth Mondadori

25 February 2014
The Challenge Feltrinelli

1 April 2013

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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