Life of Enrico Berlinguer

This book is above all an analysis of Berlinguer's activity as the top leader of the largest Western Communist party, and how the PCI played a central role in the political events of our country. Precisely because of this, it can also be said that basically this of Fiori is a history of the PCI of those years, and if you want a history of Italy of those years as well.
Walter Veltroni

One will continue to discuss Berlinguer's politics at length, with passion and disparity of opinion; but one fact is certain: the country would need men of his mold today more than ever.
Eugenio Scalfari

Enrico Berlinguer was an absolute protagonist of Italian political life during an eventful 15-year period, from 1969 to 1984. An age that opened with the "hot autumn," continued with the explosion of red and black terrorism, the great electoral successes of the PCI, national solidarity and the kidnapping of Aldo Moro, and closed at the end with the rupture of union unity and the clash with Craxi's Psi. In this biography,Giuseppe Fiori tells us about those difficult years of republican Italy, the complex separation from the USSR of the Communist Party, the emergence of the moral question. But also the whole story of a man who left his mark for the recognized value of his human quality: a shy, strict, consistent man, jealous of his privacy, attached to his Sardinia, to Sassari, to Stintino. One hundred years after his birth, a passionate portrait of an unforgettable and unforgettable protagonist of Italian political life.

Details +

Publication date: 05.05.2022
Publisher: Laterza

By the same author +
Numbers 10 Solferino
11 June 2024
Sweet Enrico - Contribution Piemme

4 June 2024
La condanna Rizzoli
19 March 2024
The Brothers Who Wanted to Change the World Feltrinelli - Up
31 October 2023
Non arrendiamoci - Con Matteo Zuppi Rizzoli

9 May 2023
Buonvino between Love and Death Marsilio
7 March 2023
The Choice Audible

5 December 2022
The Most Beautiful in the World Feltrinelli Kids

15 November 2022
Stories about us Solferino

4 October 2022
There is a Corpse at the Bioparco Audible

22 April 2022
The Choice Rizzoli

22 March 2022
Murder at Villa Borghese Audible

18 February 2022
There is a corpse at the Bioparco Marsilio

7 October 2021
The Interrupted Challenge Audible

3 June 2021
When Berlinguer Was There Audible

27 May 2021
The Moro case and the First Republic Solferino

6 May 2021
The Beginning of Darkness Audible

2 April 2021
Without Patricio Audible

28 January 2021
Free-for-all Feltrinelli

21 January 2021
1984 Bur

12 January 2021
Italian Labyrinth Solferino

3 December 2020
The Island and the Roses Audible

19 November 2020
Life in ninety minutes Audible

29 October 2020
Buonvino and the Case of the Missing Child Marsilio

29 October 2020
Us Audible

3 September 2020
When Audible

12 June 2020
Zidane Solferino

4 June 2020
Hello Audible

25 May 2020
Hating Hatred Rizzoli

10 March 2020
Murder at Villa Borghese Marsilio

7 November 2019
The Interrupted Challenge Baldini+Castoldi

6 June 2019
Roma Rizzoli

4 June 2019
Broken Dream Baldini+Castoldi

4 June 2018

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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