The Sky Belongs to Powerful People

“A kind of anatomy of power, the euthanasia of a political class ready to anything.” - Corriere della Sera “The point is that Alessandra Fiori writes so well. The pen flows on the page.” - Il Fatto Quotidiano “A wonderful storyteller.” - Il Giornale “Cruel and cynical but real, exceptionally alive… it reminds La conquista di Roma by Matilde Serao.” - la Repubblica

Carlo Bucci is a powerful Italian man. He was a child during the Second World War, he became a young and ambitious politician in the Sixties, arriving to a top position inside the Christian Democratic Party. His cynical run to success marked, for better or for worse, his own life and the life of his family. Through passion, corruption and intrigues, we follow his rise to power and his fight to hold it, at any cost. His story is the history of the whole country, represented as in a bitter and amusing comedy, where the moral sense is overwhelmed by greed and ambition.

Press A selected press review

Film rights optioned by Wildside

Details +

Publication date: 01.01.2013
Publisher: edizioni e/o
Number of Pages: 304

By the same author +

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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