Il bosco del confine

The narrator of this story grew up on the border between two nations, educated in an internationalist spirit by her father, a pacifist of Slavic descent who believed in the free exchange of people, foreign languages mixed without rules, and walks in the woods. It is during those long walks that the father explains to his daughter that there are no borders, that the forest belongs to everyone.

Details +

Publication date: 10.09.2020
Publisher: Aboca
Number of Pages: 176
Country: Italia

By the same author +
Alma (Return to Trieste) Feltrinelli
16 January 2024
Di fama e di sventura (Of fame and misfortune) Feltrinelli (UE)
16 January 2024
Trieste - percorsi d'autore Touring Club
23 September 2022
La nostalgia degli altri Feltrinelli
6 April 2017

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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