Alleged Culprit

In recent decades, Italian governments have negotiated about everything and with everyone. Always, except on two occasions: for Moro and for Craxi. A great journalist recounts the twilight of a man who, like few in the postwar period, was both loved and hated. The fate of a politician with whom, sooner or later, the country will have to come to terms.

Details +

Publication date: 14.01.2020
Publisher: Einaudi Stile Libero

By the same author +
Saint Berlinguer Chiarelettere
28 May 2024
Mura. The Woman Who Challenged Mussolini Marsilio

11 October 2022
The head makes us say Sellerio

5 December 2019

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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