Japanese Steps

Premio Campiello 2020 finalist

If poetry, as someone has said, is the only possible science, this poet’s prose reveals figurative, speculative and satirical abilities

“In these pages, we find the parallel and backward moral story that has accompanied for decades the work of one of the greatest contemporary poets. Not exactly narrative nor non-fiction, the analytical, visionary, perceptive and syntactic genius which here surprises the reader, has no precedent in twentieth-century Italian literature, if not perhaps in the prose of Roberto Longhi, Elsa Morante, Goffredo Parise.
However, these are more partial affinities rather than derivations: because in each of its chapters – each in its own way and with a different style, in autobiographical fragments, anecdotal parables, portraits and micro-philosophies of love, envy or sensory ecstasy – Con passi giapponesi obeys a single commandment: “I must understand”.
From the first text that gives the volume its title, the reader finds himself contemplating a comic-tragic world, labyrinthine to the point of dizziness, in which passions without success and desperate, forced social mannerisms come on stage, while life bleeds out, faking it.” Alfonso Berardinelli

Details +

Publication date: 14.05.2019
Publisher: Einaudi

By the same author +
My happy nothing. 1974 - 2020 Einaudi ET Poesia
18 June 2024
Vita meravigliosa Einaudi

8 September 2020
Ti lepi dnevi Beletrina
1 September 2020
My poems won't change the world Farrar, Straus and Giroux
US and UK
10 September 2013
Datura Einaudi

1 June 2013
Al cuore fa bene far le scale Voland

1 November 2012
Poems 1974-1992 Einaudi
31 December 1992

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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