Più grande la paura

In these stories there is childhood, for whom life is an adventure that does not have to end well nor a journey that does not always contemplate return. There is fire, water, wind and air. And there is all that time that, when we are children, teaches us to feel immortal until proven otherwise.

Details +

Publication date: 24.01.2019
Publisher: Marsilio
Number of Pages: 176
Country: Italia

Editions +
Più grande la paura (tascabile) Marsilio - Universale economica Feltrinelli
24 March 2022
By the same author +
Louisa May Alcott Giulio Perrone Editore
14 April 2022
L'uccellino bianco - Foreword Marsilio
14 May 2020
I nomi che diamo alle cose Bompiani
28 January 2016
Tentativi di botanica degli affetti Bompiani
1 January 2013

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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