Toward Infinity

Two hundred years after it was written, L’infinito widens the gaze again. In its nimble survey of some of the biographical and philosophical realms in which the 21-year-old Leopardi conceived these verses, this book brings out highly topical questions: what is politics, being a stranger, our sense of ourselves, how private and public human conflicts affect us, the profound transformations that descend from a friendship. Written as a philosophical novel, this essay draws us into the great horizons that Leopardi opened around himself and for all of us.

Details +

Publication date: 23.01.2019
Publisher: Bompiani

By the same author +
Seven Windows Bompiani
19 April 2023
Atmospheric Conditions Bompiani

15 January 2020
The Inventor of Himself Bompiani

7 September 2017
Boccalone. True story full of lies Bompiani

1 February 2017

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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