Volgare eloquenza

At the very moment when one mythologizes the sovereign people, one actually treats them as an ox people. Someone to be addressed with earthy phrases and expressions, trying to awaken their basic needs and instincts. From this idea of the people descends a vulgar, crude, simplistic, aggressive eloquence. From "Vote for me because I speak better (and therefore know more) than you" has come "Vote for me because I speak (badly) like you." Like advertising, like television, politics feeds the narcissism of the recipients, who - flattered - prefer to reflect themselves than to reflect. The mechanism of expressive recalculation triggers a continuous race to the bottom. A vicious circle that robs political discourse of any driving force, any dynamism. Not a response to the needs of Italians, but pure echolalia: redundant repetition. Thus words are paralyzing politics.

Details +

Publication date: 18.05.2017
Publisher: Laterza

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