It is right to obey the night

On the edge of the Rome we all know, where the Tiber creates a wide bend before running to the sea, live men and women who seem to have met only through their respective needs. Among shacks and barges, united by the running of a makeshift trattoria, while taking turns in small jobs in the fields and guiding city tourists attracted by their archaic work, they have formed a community out of time and out of the world in which we are used to living today. For a few years already, they have taken in a man on the run. They all call him "the doctor," because he seems to have come to offer his care to those who live there. Accompanied by tales of nutrias, dogs, fairy-tale animals, and the rhythms of nature deepening in the heart of the city, we will get to know everything about this unforgettable character, ancient and modern together, and we will learn again how only pain can drive human beings to rebirth. A rebirth that passes through the hands of women, and through a night that it is right to obey. Press review

Details +

Publication date: 02.03.2017
Publisher: Ponte alle Grazie

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Rosaria Carpinelli
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