Il museo dei capricci

Anyone who has read a book by Flavio Caroli or listened to a lecture or conference by him or, again, had the privilege of being told some anecdote about any of the paintings in his private collection knows how much pleasure the professor has always derived from art. Pure enjoyment his even when art has told it in front of a camera, as the viewers of "Che tempo che fa" who for eleven years have in turn "enjoyed" his passionate lectures on art history know well. It therefore seems absolutely logical that at this point in his career as an art historian, or rather as a man who derives pleasure from art, Caroli should allow himself a sharp divertissement: a book that collects and illustrates in a museum structured in thirty thematic rooms (from eroticism to the mysteries of art, from food to love, from seasons to the face of cities, from love to art in cinema, from seasons to the passage of time. ..) 200 masterpieces to steal, the ideal collection of an imaginary friend, nicknamed "the Lover." After all, what other name could the professor give to the alter ego of himself, a profound connoisseur and therefore an attentive collector and intelligent divulger of masterpieces of all times? Flavio Caroli guest of Fabio Fazio at Che tempo che fa, Rai Tre

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Publication date: 25.10.2016
Publisher: Mondadori Electa

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