Not All Bastards Are from Vienna

In January, 2016 Grove Atlantic published Not All Bastards Are from Vienna, the US translation of Andrea Molesini's Not All Bastards Are from Vienna. Winner of the Campiello Prize in 2011, the novel is already an international success with translations in French, German, Spanish, Norwegian, Slovenian, Dutch, Hungarian, and Danish, and magnificent reviews.

“Mr. Molesini has the true novelist’s ability to bring scenes and individuals immediately before our eyes, so vividly that they take possession of our imagination.” The Wall Street Journal

Not All Bastards Are From Vienna is wonderfully alive — often terribly so — as a wartime adventure and story of youth arriving at manhood.” The New York Times

“An excellent war novel, as well as a powerful depiction of a family's strength and mankind's justification for war's barbarity, movingly told and full of vivid imagery.” Publishers Weekly

“[An] impressively controlled, gently paced, ultimately piercing debut... this unusual novel, reflecting the war in microcosm, captures a turning point in the fates of empires.” Kirkus Review

Details +

Publication date: 08.02.2016
Publisher: Grove Atlantic
Number of Pages: 348
Country: USA

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Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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