Whatever Love Means

Qualunque cosa significhi amore (Whatever love means)

“Finally, a novel, written by a woman, that tells the truth: women are really bad people and over the centuries have become specialists in not looking like that.” la Repubblica

“You will find small pieces of you in the characters of the book. And you will suffer.” Corriere della Sera

“The television in this novel is like the French countryside in Madame Bovary: it is the frame in which married life takes place.” Il Sole 24 Ore

All stories that are worth listening to are about marriage, the most political of social contracts and the most tremendous invention of the humanity.

What are we ashamed of? How long can we carry that embarrassing secret inside? What are we willing to do to keep it hidden? Vanni has been ashamed for thirty-five years, since he arrived in Milan and was a southern boy. He is ashamed of his mother who kept on the nightstand the biography of Padre Pio, and of his father who plays crossword puzzles before falling asleep. He looks at Elsa – always flawless, a real “Milanese” – and he cannot come to terms with that: that she has married him even though she knows. Elsa has been ashamed for thirty years, since her father arranged that fake accident. For twenty-five years, since she discovered what had happened to her mother. For eight years, since she found a lover for her husband, and created a successful TV show. Elsa feels ashamed of a new shame every ten minutes, since she realized that tonight all their lies will be revealed, and their week will have an unexpected end. What’s love got to do with ambition? What’s love got to do with the habit? What’s love got to do with the inadequacy? What’s love got to do with secrets and lies, and closed doors? And who is in and who is out?

Details +

Publication date: 27.05.2015
Publisher: Giunti

By the same author +
This is 50 Marsilio
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All names of Hercules Rizzoli BUR

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Elements of Love Capitalism Marsilio

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Other Women's Husbands Marsilio

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The Economy of Self Marsilio

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The Republic of Cooks il Mulino

10 September 2015

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Consulenze Editoriali

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