Trend Veronica

Veronica Lario is back and this time she wants to tell the whole - really the whole - truth. Back on 21 July 2008, she publicly declared: ‘For years I have been reading news about my forthcoming divorce. As far as I know, it is not in my plans'. Silvio added, a couple of weeks later, on 5 August: ‘You cannot make peace if there has been no war’. Many things have changed since then. The most unlikely couple in the world (at least according to ‘The Independent’) has now separated, and the former first lady has finally made her own personal ‘descent into the limelight’. For weeks, in Italy in the middle of the electoral campaign, nothing else was talked about but the Noemi affair and Veronica's declarations, until her decision to ask for a divorce. What really happened? Where did this crisis come from? Why did Veronica Lario say no more to a partnership that had withstood other publicly consummated crises? Published in 2004, this authorised biography of Veronica Lario is back in an updated edition: memories, thoughts and confessions of the woman who was next to the most powerful man in Italy for thirty years.

Details +

Publication date: 26.08.2009
Publisher: Rizzoli
Number of Pages: 250
Country: Italy

By the same author +
Fatti privati e pubbliche tribù Edizioni San Paolo
10 November 2017
Il potere delle donne Feltrinelli
25 February 2015
How to Conquer a Country Rizzoli
18 March 2009

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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