Nina - Silvia Ballestra

A simple love story. Nina and Bruno meet by chance in a record store. She is 20 years old and attending university in Bologna, he is a journalist in the editorial office of a newspaper in the same city. A week later their life together begins. Moments of serenity are accompanied by those where existence suddenly seems to force the two young people into complicated choices and abrupt changes of course. Nina returns today in a new BUR Contemporanea paperback edition.

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Publication date: 12.02.2014
Publisher: Rizzoli

By the same author +
A Night in the Fairytale House Laterza
18 October 2024
La Sibilla. Vita di Joyce Lussu Laterza

7 October 2022
Il paese delle rane Astoria

23 September 2021
La nuova stagione Bompiani

2 October 2019
Vicini alla terra Giunti

15 February 2017
Christine e la città delle dame Laterza

7 May 2015
Amiche mie Mondadori

18 February 2014
Joyce L. Una vita contro Baldini Castoldi Dalai editore

1 May 2012
Le colline di fronte Rizzoli

1 November 2011
The days of the Rotunda Rizzoli
1 January 2009
The other Dora Rizzoli
1 January 2006

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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