Mangia bene, lavora meglio
Eating with taste and joy is within everyone's reach. But often inexperience, lack of time and organization make us think otherwise. And we wonder how it is possible-with the hectic lives we lead-to bring good, healthy food to the table every day, without cooking becoming an additional source of stress. Eat Well, Work Better is designed precisely to meet the needs of those who are unfamiliar with the stove and struggle to find time to cook, but would like to learn how to do so. For those who spend their lunch break in front of the computer. For those who think that vegetable cooking is difficult, and requires too much effort. For those who want to vary their recipes, adding more vegetables, grains, legumes. For those who, in short, want to cook and feed themselves better, turning a duty into a pleasure. The author proposes an inclusive cuisine, aimed at everyone, which aims to respect people, traditions and the environment: that is why her recipes are all free of animal derivatives. And, page after page, she makes us feel more and more comfortable among pots and pans and stoves because here there are no final exams or grades, only our gratification! But, above all, it teaches us that cooking is an act of love: toward ourselves, others and even the planet we live on. And it can become an extraordinary moment of awareness, and an important part of a happier life.
Publication date: 22.04.2021
Publisher: Cairo
Number of Pages: 182

12 October 2022