Le metamorfosi di Ovidio

What do the stories of Narcissus consumed in self-love, Arachne spidered for her own pride, Daphne turned into a laurel tree to escape Apollo's lusts, Myrrh in love with her father and Bìblide with his brother, Progne and Medea who, thirsting for revenge, become murderers of their own children, have to tell the man of the twenty-first century? Why should he care about "two universal floods, about thirty rapes and almost as many missed rapes, more than one case of transsexuality, three incest and two attempted incest, about sixteen rivers in love, four islands and eight dogs beginning with the letter 'L'... to say nothing of the hundreds of alberifications, uccellifications, petrifications, stellifications that buffer, match, contaminate, mingle, pollute without shame" in Ovid's Metamorphoses? To answer himself, the man of the twenty-first century will do well to widen his eyes on this book and overlook an incredible flurry of mutations, "marked by deviations of timbre, arrhythmias, modulations, traced at times by a deadly irony, on the verge at times of gossip; where, however, at every step the crevasse of tragedy may open wide." 

Details +

Publication date: 21.04.2023
Publisher: Garzanti
Country: Italy

By the same author +
Sempreverdi Garzanti
7 June 2024
Where's the Victory? Garzanti

10 June 2022
Dante's Inferno Garzanti

4 March 2021
Dante's Purgatory Garzanti

4 March 2021
Dante's Heaven Garzanti

4 March 2021
Sempreverdi Emons

17 October 2019
Aeneas Was Not a Virgin Corsiero editore

30 May 2019
Virgil's Aeneid Emons

9 May 2019
Le metamorfosi di Ovidio Emons

17 January 2019
Il Paradiso di Dante raccontato da Vittorio Sermonti Emons

5 July 2018
Il Purgatorio di Dante raccontato da Vittorio Sermonti Emons

5 July 2018
Dante's Inferno narrated by Vittorio Sermonti Emons

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Dante's Shadow Garzanti

23 November 2017
Had They Garzanti

24 May 2016
The Vice of Writing Rizzoli

17 September 2015
La Divina Commedia Rizzoli BUR

21 May 2015
Ovid's Metamorphoses Rizzoli

21 May 2014

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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