Marcello Sorgi

Marcello Sorgi is a journalist. He has been editor of La Stampa (where he's still a columnist), Tg1 news and Giornale Radio Rai. He is the author of the interview with Andrea Camilleri La testa ci fa dire (2000; 2019)the essays Edda Ciano e il comunista (2009), Le amanti del vulcano (2010), Il grande dandy (2011), Le sconfitte non contano (2013), the politics-fiction Colosseo vendesi (2016), Presunto colpevole (2020) and Mura. La donna che sfidò Mussolini (2022). He was the curator of the exhibition Il secolo dell’Avvocato, dedicated to the memory of Gianni Agnelli. His most recent book is San Berlinguer. L'ultimo capo del popolo comunista (2024).

Titles +
Saint Berlinguer 28 May 2024
Mura. The Woman Who Challenged Mussolini 11 October 2022
Alleged Culprit 14 January 2020
The head makes us say 5 December 2019

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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