Ludovica Ripa di Meana

Ludovica Ripa di Meana is a writer, playwright and poet. Shorthand typist at fifteen, then secretary of a weekly culture magazine, editorial editor at Feltrinelli and Mondadori, and later assistant director in movies, director of television inquiries, journalist at L’Europeo, author of popular TV broadcasts. She is the author of memorable interviews, among them the moving television portrait of Carlo Emilio Gadda, and Diligenza e voluttà (1989; 2019), a dialogue with Gianfranco Contini. Her most recent book is Voi non sapete che non ho paura (2020).

Titles +
You Do Not Know That I Am Not Afraid 6 February 2020
Diligence and voluptuousness 14 March 2019

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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