Simonetta Fiori

Simonetta Fiori is a reporter at la Repubblica, where she has been covering cultural issues for twenty-five years. She is the author of several essays, including a book-interview with Alberto Asor Rosa (Il grande silenzio, 2009) and one with Emilio Gentile (Italiani senza padri, 2011). With Luca Scarzella she made a documentary on the life of Inge Feltrinelli, Inge Film (2010). She collaborates with some universities including La Sapienza in Rome. In 2009 she won the Premiolino. She is the author of La testa e il cuore (2020). Recently she curated La biblioteca di Raskolnikov (2024).

Titles +
La bblioteca di Raskolnikov 9 April 2024
La testa e il cuore 16 January 2020

Rosaria Carpinelli
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