Walter Veltroni

Walter Veltroni has been editor-in-chief of l’Unità, deputy Prime Minister, mayor of Rome, secretary of the Democratic Party and he ran for president in 2008. He is the author of Noi (2009), Quando cade l’acrobata, entrano i clown (2010), L’inizio del buio (2011), L’isola e le rose (2012), E se noi domani (2013), Quando c’era Berlinguer (2014), which also became a movie he directed, Ciao (2015), Quando (2017), Il sogno spezzato (1993; 2018), La sfida interrotta (1994; 2019), Roma. Storie per ritrovare la mia città (2019), Assassinio a Villa Borghese (2019), Odiare l'odio (2020, Premio Cimitilie), Buonvino e il caso del bambino scomparso (2020), Labirinto italiano (2020), Tana libera tutti (2021), Il caso Moro e la Prima Repubblica (2021), C'è un cadavere al Bioparco (2021), La scelta (2022), La più bella del mondo (2022), Buonvino tra amore e morte (2023), Non arrendiamoci (2023, con Matteo Zuppi), I fratelli che volevano cambiare il mondo (2023) and La condanna (Rizzoli, 2024). His most recent book is Numeri 10 (Solferino, 2024)

He also directed I bambini sanno (2015), Gli occhi cambiano (2016), Indizi di felicità (2017), Tutto davanti a questi occhi (2018), C'è tempo (2019) and Fabrizio De André e PFM. Il concerto ritrovato (2020). In 2021 he received Premio Pieve Città del diario.

Titles +
Numbers 10 11 June 2024
Sweet Enrico - Contribution 4 June 2024
La condanna 19 March 2024
The Brothers Who Wanted to Change the World 31 October 2023
Non arrendiamoci - Con Matteo Zuppi 9 May 2023
Buonvino between Love and Death 7 March 2023
The Choice 5 December 2022
The Most Beautiful in the World 15 November 2022
Stories about us 4 October 2022
Life of Enrico Berlinguer 5 May 2022
There is a Corpse at the Bioparco 22 April 2022
The Choice 22 March 2022
Murder at Villa Borghese 18 February 2022
There is a corpse at the Bioparco 7 October 2021
The Interrupted Challenge 3 June 2021
When Berlinguer Was There 27 May 2021
The Moro case and the First Republic 6 May 2021
The Beginning of Darkness 2 April 2021
Without Patricio 28 January 2021
Free-for-all 21 January 2021
1984 12 January 2021
Italian Labyrinth 3 December 2020
The Island and the Roses 19 November 2020
Life in ninety minutes 29 October 2020
Buonvino and the Case of the Missing Child 29 October 2020
Us 3 September 2020
When 12 June 2020
Zidane 4 June 2020
Hello 25 May 2020
Hating Hatred 10 March 2020
Murder at Villa Borghese 7 November 2019
The Interrupted Challenge 6 June 2019
Roma 4 June 2019
Broken Dream 4 June 2018

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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