Francesca Borri

Francesca Borri was born in Italy. Writer and journalist, she worked as human rights adviser in the Middle East, especially in Israel and Palestine. She turned to journalism in February 2012 to cover the war in Syria, and so far, her dispatches from war zones have been translated into 24 languages. Currently, she writes about Palestinians for Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel’s main newspaper.

She is the author of La guerra dentro (Syrian Dust, 2014) and Ma quale paradiso? Tra i jihadisti delle Maldive (Destination Paradise. Among the Jihadists of the Maldives, 2017).

In 2017 Francesca Borri has won the Letizia Leviti prize for journalism, in 2019 she has won the Testimone di Verità prize. In 2017 she was shortlisted for the European Press Prize with a report from the Maldives, that later became the book Destination Paradise. Among the Jihadists of the Maldives, and in 2019 for her reportage Gaza. It’s time for change.

Titles +
Destination Paradise. Among the Jihadists of the Maldives 30 May 2017

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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