Giana Petronio Andreatta

Giana Petronio Andreatta was born in Trieste from a family of English and Hungarian origins. She graduates in Political science with a thesis on the European Community, and in this circumstance she meets Nino Andreatta, who later becomes her husband. She starts her research on sociology and completes a master in anthropology with a specialization in psychology, but shortly after it she finds her real vocation: psychoanalysis. She is an active member of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society and the International Psychoanalytical Association, teaches Psychodynamics at the University of Bologna and holds seminars at the Medical Psychology School.

È stata tutta luce (2017) is her first book.

She is a tireless traveller, passionate about peoples and countries (she has also lived in Egypt and India), and a mother of four children.

Titles +
It Was All Light 17 May 2017

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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