Nicola Lagioia

Nicola Lagioia was born in Bari. An editor and writer, he is the author of Tre sistemi per sbarazzarsi di Tolstoj (2001, Premio lo Straniero), Occidente per principianti (2004, Premio Scanno), Riportando tutto a casa (2009, Premio Viareggio Rèpaci, Premio Vittorini, Premio Volponi, premio SIAE-Sindacato scrittori), La ferocia (2014, Premio Strega 2015) and La città dei vivi (2020, Premio Alessandro Leogrande, Premio Lattes Grinzane). He had a short story featured in the collection Contro Roma (2018), he is among the authors of the anthology The Passenger - Rome (2021) and of Animalia (2022). He is one of the voices of Pagina3, the daily cultural press review on Rai Radio 3, he writes for several newspapers and he is among the founders of the cultural magazine Lucy Sulla Cultura. He was the director of the Turin Book Fair from 2016 until 2023.

Titles +
La bblioteca di Raskolnikov 9 April 2024
Fumo sulla città - Foreword 7 October 2022
Animalia 20 September 2022
Una questione privata - Foreword 22 February 2022
Un borghese piccolo piccolo - Foreword 3 February 2022
The Passenger - Roma 20 January 2021
The City of the Living 20 October 2020
Tra donne sole - Foreword 26 May 2020
Answered Prayers - Foreword by Nicola Lagioia 7 November 2019
Contro Roma 3 May 2018
Ferocity 23 September 2014

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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