Gian Arturo Ferrari

Gian Arturo Ferrari after graduating in Classical Literature at Pavia University, led a double life for a little while. On one hand the life of the university professor, teaching History of scientific thinking from 1977 at Pavia University. On the other hand he began working in publishing, first with Edgardo Macorini at Mondadori, then for a decade with Paolo Boringhieri, at the homonymous publishing house. He then became non-fiction editor at Mondadori in 1984 and head of Rizzoli Libri in 1986. He went back to Mondadori in 1988 and in 1989 he resigned from University, choosing publishing as his only life. In the early 90s he's been head of Libri Mondadori and from 1997 to 2009 he's been general manager of Libri Mondadori division, including Einaudi, Electa, Sperling&Kupfer, Edumond and later on Piemme, besides Mondadori. From 2010 to 2014 he was head of Centro per il libro e la lettura (Center for the Book and Reading of the Ministry of Culture). In 2011 he created and curated the exhibition 1861-2011 L’Italia dei libri – La storia di un Paese fra le pagine, for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. From 2015 to 2018 he has been the vice-president of Mondadori Libri. He has been a regular contributor and a columnist for the Corriere della Sera and he is president of Collegio Ghislieri Foundation. He published Libro (Bollati Boringhieri 2014, 2023). Ragazzo italiano (2020), Premio Strega finalist, is his first novel. In 2022 he published Storia confidenziale dell'editoria italiana (international prize Viareggio Rèpaci, Biella Letteratura e Industria prize 2023 - special jury award). His most recent work is La storia se ne frega dell'onore (2024).

Titles +
History doesn't care about honor 9 April 2024
The Book 29 September 2023
Storia confidenziale dell'editoria italiana 15 November 2022
Italian Boy 6 February 2020

Rosaria Carpinelli
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