Michele Ruol
Michele Ruol (Chicago, 1986), anaesthetist, has published stories in the collections Il veneto del futuro, Marsilio Editori (2005), Giovani Cosmetici, Sartorio Editore (2008), L'amore ai tempi dell'Apocalisse, Galaad Edizioni (2015), and on the literary magazines inutile, effe - Periodico di Altre Narratività e Crack.
He collaborates with several theatrical realities, and is a member of the company Amor Vacui, with which he curated the dramaturgy of Intimità (Special mention Premio Scenario, 2017). In 2015 he was the winner of the competition "Racconti teatrali di guerra e di pace" organized by the Teatro Stabile del Veneto with Il solito ignoto. In 2017 he received the special mention Hystrio Scritture di Scena Award for Mater certa, prize that he won the following year with Lea R. In 2022 he is winner of the Testinscena call with Giostra.
The text Betulla (2021), produced by the Piccolo Teatro di Milano for the podcast Abbecedario del mondo nuovo, was published in the book of the same name published by Il Saggiatore.
It began in 2024 for TerraRossa Edizioni with the novel Inventario di ciò che resta dopo che la foresta brucia (Giuseppe Berto award and Megamark foundation award; Jury of literati's selection at the Premio Campiello; book of the month Fahrenheit RaiRadio3).