Silvia Romani

Silvia Romani is an anthropologist of the ancient world and a scholar of religions and mythology of the classical world. She trained at the Università Statale di Milano and in Siena; she lived and studied in London and taught for many years at the University of Turin. Since 2017, she has been back at the Statale di Milano, where she teaches both within the walls of the university and beyond the walls, in prison, to university inmates and free students.

Her first book (Nascite speciali 2004) is dedicated to births outside the norm in the ancient world. He then published for Einaudi Il mito di Arianna (2014), Una passeggiata nell'Aldilà in compagnia degli antichi (2017, with Tommaso Braccini) and Sappho. La ragazza di Lesbo (2022 "Frontiere", 2024 "Tascabili"). For Cortina, with Giulio Guidorizzi, he has published three mythological guides to Greece and Sicily: In viaggio con gli dèi (2019), Il mare degli dèi (2021), La Sicilia degli dèi (2022); for Il Mulino, Omero. Delle armi e del vero amore (2024) and the accompanying essay to J.-P. Vernant's La morte negli occhi (2023). He has written volumes dedicated to Aphrodite and Ariadne for Corriere della Sera first and then La Repubblica. He edited the dramaturgy of a play dedicated to the mythical origins of gender violence: Lucrezia e le altre (still present in reviews and festivals since 2019) and staged with Elisabetta Vergani and Sara Calvanelli.

She is the author of children's books dedicated to myth and has for years edited a mythology blog 'lamitologina' for Condé Nast.

She is a frequent guest on television and radio programmes and is actively involved in telling the story of antiquity from a contemporary perspective, with a particular interest in the world of women, to whom she devotes a significant part of her writing.

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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