Simona Siri

Simona Siri is a journalist, writer and translator. Her articles have been published in various Italian newspapers such as Vanity Fair, GQ, Il Foglio, Grazia, Rolling Stone and in the daily newspaper La Stampa, with which she has collaborated regularly since 2013. For television, he has written for the program Le Invasioni Barbariche hosted by Daria Bignardi. In 2011, together with Stefano Pistolini, he wrote the documentary Killer Plastic: Would You Let You In? (presented at the Rome Film Festival). Since 2014 she has lived in the United States where she has published for Washington Post, CNN, and New York Magazine. She has worked as an English-to-Italian translator for the following books: Trick Mirror by Jia Tolentino (NR Editions), Empathy Exams by Leslie Jamison (NR Editions), Let It Burn, Let It Scream by Leslie Jamison (NR Editions), and Rompi il soffitto di cristallo! by Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and Julia Gillard (Aboca). As an author, she has published the following books: Courtney Love - Pieces of a Doll (Arcana), Lament of a Majorata (Tea), We Want the Fairy Tale (Tea). Her latest book Never States So United (Tea) was co-written with her husband Dan Gerstein, an American political consultant.

Rosaria Carpinelli
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