Gianrico Carofiglio

Gianrico Carofiglio was born in Bari and has worked for many years as a prosecutor specialized in organized crime. He was appointed as advisor of the anti-Mafia committee in the Italian Parliament in 2007 and served as a senator from 2008 to 2013.

He makes his début in fiction in 2002 with Testimone inconsapevole (Involuntary Witness, Premio del Giovedì “Marisa Rusconi”, Premio Rhegium Iulii, Premio Città di Cuneo, Premio Città di Chiavari), the book that introduces the beloved character of the defense lawyer Guido Guerrieri, who is also the protagonist of the novels Ad occhi chiusi (A Walk in the Dark, 2003, Premio Lido di Camaiore, Premio delle Biblioteche di Roma and “Best International Noir of the year 2007” in Germany, elected by a jury of booksellers and journalists), Ragionevoli dubbi (Reasonable Doubts, 2006, Premio Fregene and Premio Viadana 2007, Premio Tropea 2008), Le perfezioni provvisorie (Temporary Perfections, 2010, Premio Selezione Campiello), La regola dell'equilibro (A Fine Line, 2014), La misura del tempo (The Measure of Time, 2019, Premio Strega 2020 finalist) and Horizon of the Night (2024).

Officer of the Carabinieri Pietro Fenoglio is the protagonist of another series of novels: Una mutevole verità (A Shifting Truth, 2014, Premio Scerbanenco), L’estate fredda (The Cold Summer, 2016), La versione di Fenoglio (Fenoglio’s Version, 2019).

Among Carofiglio’s other fiction and nonfiction works: the novels Il passato è una terra straniera (The Past is a Foreign Land, 2004, Premio Bancarella 2005), which became in 2008 an internationally acclaimed film, directed by Daniele Vicari and starring Michele Riondino and Elio Germano (Knight Grand Jury Prize and Best Actor at the Miami Film Festival), Né qui né altrove. Una notte a Bari (Neither Here Nor Elsewhere. A Night in Bari, 2008), Il silenzio dell’onda (The Silence of the Wave, 2011, shortlisted at Premio Strega 2012, Bronze Winner in the Foreword Book of the Year Awards for Mystery 2013), Il bordo vertiginoso delle cose (The Vertiginous Edge of Things, 2013), Le tre del mattino (Three O'Clock in the Morning, 2017), La disciplina di Penelope (Penelope's Discipline, 2021), Rancore (Resentment, 2022); the graphic novel Cacciatori nelle tenebre (Hunters in Darkness, 2007, Premio Martoglio) and La casa nel bosco (The House in the Woods, 2014, Premio Riviera delle Palme), both written with his brother Francesco; the dialogue Il paradosso del poliziotto (The Policeman’s Paradox, 2009); the short stories collection Non esiste saggezza (There is No Wisdom, 2010, Premio Chiara, 2020) and Passeggeri notturni (Night Passengers, 2016); the essays L’arte del dubbio (The Art of Doubt, 2007), La manomissione delle parole (Manumitting Words, 2010), which has been adapted into a stage play performed by the author himself, Con parole precise. Breviario di scrittura civile (With Exact Words, 2015), the interview with Jacopo Rosatelli Con i piedi nel fango (Feet in the Mud, 2018), Della gentilezza e del coraggio. Breviario di politica e altre cose (On Kindness and Courage, 2020), La nuova manomissione delle parole (2021) and L'ora del caffè (2022, with Giorgia Carofiglio).

The seven Guerrieri novels, the Fenoglio series, Il passato è una terra straniera, Né qui né altrove, Non esiste saggezza, La manomissione delle parole, Il bordo vertiginoso delle cose, La casa nel bosco, Passeggeri notturni, Le tre del mattino, Con i piedi nel fango, Della gentilezza e del coraggio, Il silenzio dell'onda Con parole precise and L'orizzonte della notte are also audiobooks read by the author. In 2020 was released L'avvocato Guerrieri, Gianrico Carofiglio's first audio-series. He has a podcast with his daughter Giorgia, called Coffee for Two. Gianrico Carofiglio’s books have sold six million copies and have been translated or are going to be translated all over the world. His last novel is L'orizzonte della notte (2024), the most recent from the series with Guido Guerrieri as protagonist. In praise of ignorance and error (2024) is his last non fictional work. 


Guido Guerrieri novels

Pietro Fenoglio novels

Penelope Spada novels


Short stories collections



Press +
Titles +
In Praise of Ignorance and Error 29 October 2024
Horizon of the Night 20 February 2024
L’ora del caffè 22 November 2022
Cacciatori nelle tenebre 5 July 2022
Rancore 29 March 2022
Manumitting Words - New edition 4 November 2021
Penelope's Discipline 19 January 2021
Of Kindness and Courage 3 September 2020
There is No Wisdom 9 June 2020
The Measure of Time 5 November 2019
La versione di Fenoglio 19 February 2019
Feet in the Mud 7 March 2018
Three O'Clock in the Morning 10 October 2017
The Cold Summer 25 October 2016
Night Passengers 14 March 2016
With Exact Words 10 September 2015
A Fine Line 11 November 2014
A Shifting Truth 24 June 2014
The House in the Woods 19 March 2014
The Vertiginous Edge of Things 21 October 2013
Cocaine 1 February 2013
Il silenzio dell'onda 1 October 2011
There is no wisdom 1 June 2011
Manumitting Words 1 October 2010
Temporary Perfections 14 January 2010
The Art of Doubt 22 November 2007
Reasonable Doubts 1 August 2006
The Past is a Foreign Country 1 September 2004
A Walk in the Dark 21 November 2003
Involuntary Witness 30 August 2002
Foreign Publishers +

Albania: Fjala
Argentina: El Ateneo
Australia and New Zealand: Text Publishing
Austria: Folio Verlag
Bosnia: Buybook, Imprimatur
Brazil: Editora Jaboticaba
Czech Republic: Host
Denmark: HR Ferdinand
Egypt: Beba editions, Al Arabi
Ethiopia: Soomaalyia
Finland: Kustannus Moreeni
France: Payot e Rivages, Seuil, Slatkine
Germany: Goldmann, Folio Verlag, Scoventa
Greece: Alexandria, Modern Times
Israel: Achuzat Bayit Books
Japan: Bungei ShunJu, Fusosha
Kenya: Soomaalyia
Lithuania: Homo liber
Mexico: Urano
The Netherlands: Prometheus
Poland: W.A.B. Foksal
Portugal: Porto Editora
Romania: Leda
Russia: Inostranka, Polyandria No Age
Serbia: Clio Publishing
Somalia: Soomaalyia
Spain (Castilian): Urano, La Esfera de los Libros, Anagrama, Duomo
Spain (Catalan): Edicions 62, Cafè Central Associaciò
Sweden: Schibsted, Forum
Switzerland (French): Slatkine
Tanzania: Soomaalyia
Thailand: Reading Italy
Turkey: Neden Kitap, İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları
Uganda: Soomaalyia
UK: Bitter Lemon Press, Old Street Publishing
US: Thomas Dunne, Rizzoli International, HarperVia
Vietnam: Nhã Nam

Rosaria Carpinelli
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