Annalisa Monfreda

Annalisa Monfreda (1978) has cultivated since childhood the dream of journalism, which guides her in every choice, from her first collaborations at 17 to her move from Puglia to Milan at 22, for an internship at "Corriere della Sera". At 30, the birth of her first daughter coincides with a professional turning point: the proposal to direct the monthly magazine for teenagers "Top Girl". Another daughter was then born, while she went from one direction to another: "Geo", "Cosmopolitan", "Starbene", "TuStyle", "Confidenze" and, for nine years, until the end of 2021, "Donna Moderna", the most widely read women's magazine in Italy.
At 43, with two grown-up daughters, to whose education she dedicated an intimate memoir, Come se tu non fossi femmina (Mondadori, 2018), she begins a new season of her life. She leaves the editorship of "Donna Moderna" for an entrepreneurial adventure in publishing. She founds with three other partners "Rame," a platform that wants to break the cultural taboo around money and democratize access to financial services. She thus takes her childhood dream to a higher level: to drive social change through journalism.
Feltrinelli published her last works, Ho scritto questo libro invece di divorziare. Cronaca di liberazione dal carico mentale e altre conquiste (2022) and Quali soldi fanno la felicità (2024).

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Titles +
Quali soldi fanno la felicità? (Which money creates happiness?) 27 February 2024
Ho scritto questo libro invece di divorziare 11 October 2022

Rosaria Carpinelli
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