The Double Life of Vermeer

What is the lie in art? The answer is offered by the story of Han van Meegeren, an artist mistreated by critics who mockingly invented a "religious" Vermeer. Thus was born Christ at Emmaus, hailed in 1937 as "the absolute masterpiece of the Delft master." Guarnieri tells its story with absolute grace.

Details +

Publication date: 01.09.2012
Publisher: Mondadori
Country: Italy

By the same author +
The Lost Ships of Captain Franklin Einaudi Frontiere
3 September 2024
The Secret of Lucia Joyce La nave di Teseo
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Furiously Mr Foscolo La nave di Teseo
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Hitler's double Mondadori
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Una strana storia d’amore Rizzoli
13 October 2010

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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