Credere e conoscere
Credere e conoscere (Believing and Knowing) An essay, Einaudi, March 2012, 84 pages
"Through a dialogue with a man of science, the teaching of one of the greatest spiritual authorities of our time emerges with all its strength." - Corriere della Sera (full review)
"In the presence of Cardinal Martini, even non-believers' intelligence feels that it's not escaping its duties facing spirituality. However, it's accepting a further challenge." - la Repubblica (full review)
Civil rights, in vitro fertilization, euthanasia: a man of science and a man of faith discuss over the most critical ethical issues of our time. One of Italian highest spiritual authorities meets a world-renowned surgeon committed to human rights. In an open-minded, rational dialogue, they discuss about many of modernity’s most significant ethical issues and questions that touch our daily lives, spacing from human reproduction to in vitro fertilization and embryonic stem cell research, from celibacy among priests to gay rights. One important chapter is about the end of life: in defending human dignity is there a time and place for euthanasia, after all? Jesuit, Biblicist, and Archbishop of Milan from 1979 to 2002, Carlo Maria Martini became a Cardinal in 1983. Since then he has been regarded as one of the most influential and enlightened leaders of the Catholic Church. His books include Vivere i valori del Vangelo (1996) and La domanda di giustizia (with G. Zagrebelsky, 2003). His death in August 2012 has been accompanied by a deep mourning, in Italy and abroad.
Ignazio Marino is a world renowned surgeon specializing in liver transplantation. Graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome, he trained in Cambridge and in the United States, in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, and in 1992 he performed the first baboon-to-human liver xenotransplant in medical history. A former member of the Italian Senate for the Democratic Party (2006-2013), he was appointed Chair of the Investigative Committee on the National Health Care System in 2008 and has been Mayor of Rome from 2013 to 2015. He is the author of Credere e curare (Faith and Healing, 2005), Nelle tue mani. Medicina, fede, etica e diritti (In Your Hands. Medicine, Faith, Ethic and Rights, 2009), Credere e conoscere (Believing and Knowing, 2012), a dialogue with Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini about modernity’s most significant ethical issues, and Un marziano a Roma (A Martian in Rome, 2016).
Links Carlo Maria Martini on Wikipedia Ignazio Marino's website - Facebook - Twitter
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Publication date: 07.10.2010
Publisher: Einaudi
Number of Pages: 113
Country: Italia

31 March 2016