Niemand rettet sich allein

Niemand rettet sich allein, the German edition Nessuno si salva da solo by Margaret Mazzantini, is now out in paperback. With a translation by Karin Krieger, the novel is published in Germany by DuMont, already the publisher of the author's other novels Non ti muovere, Venuto al mondo and Mare al mattino.

Details +

Publication date: 01.11.2014
Publisher: Dumont
Country: Germany

By the same author +
The Zinc Basin Marsilio / Mondadori

8 May 2018
Splendor Mondadori
29 November 2013
Morning Sea Einaudi
1 November 2011
No One Survives Alone Mondadori
4 March 2011
Twice Born Mondadori
25 November 2008
Don't Move Mondadori
1 May 2001

Rosaria Carpinelli
Consulenze Editoriali

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